Friday, May 5, 2017

Maria Crawford will be at PGE on Thursday, May 11th to visit with Mrs. Milstead.  She is one of the State Reading Coaches.  We wanted to give you a heads up, she plans to pop into a few classrooms that day.  Nothing formal, just wants to pop in and out.
Grade Changes

Please remember to notify the Power School clerk of any changes to grades for Q1, Q2, Q3, S1, and E1.  If grades are lower than originally stored please talk with me before changing the grade.  Remember parents and students have already seen report cards with the original grade.
Testing is Complete

Just a reminder that Mrs. Graham has the “PAW AWARDS” available again this year for use in your homeroom.  These are an excellent way to recognize individuals for unique gifts, talents, or contributions that may not fit into one of our award categories.  Also, if there are any other awards and recognitions (like star patrol, etc.) you may begin sending Mrs. Graham those lists.  All PAW awards will be given within your classroom at any time of your choosing. 
Moby Max
There is curriculum software available for our students and it is FREE!!!  Yes, FREE!!  It is called MobyMax.   MobyMax will help our students learn twice as fast with interactive personalized learning. MobyMax is the only completely integrated curriculum to cover all K-8 subjects including math, reading, language, writing, science and even state test prep.  All you need to do is go to the site, register as a teacher at PGE, and set up your class.  The directions are below.  I will be happy to help if you need it.

Here are the instructions to get started:
1. Go to
2. Register yourself with your correct name, and select your school. Your student data will roll up to a district and school report.
3. You will automatically be directed to MobyMax to register your students.
4. After your students are registered, have them sign in and start their placement test.
(Students start with a placement test designed to find and fix missing skills.) 
(Don't worry, I'll post about Moby Max again next year!)
 Technology Inventory
As the end of the year draws near, I want you to be prepared to turn in your IPAD's (district issued and Title One).  Leighann from technology will be updating the inventory for all mobile devices at our school. They will be inventoried on Tuesday, May 23rd.  Therefore, we will begin taking up your IPAD's from May 17-22.  You can bring them to the main office as late as the afternoon of May 22nd.  We plan to keep them locked over the summer unless you need them.  Please make sure you have labeled your IPAD's individually or on the outside of your box with your name and room number.  
Staff Appreciation
We have an exciting week ahead to thank you all for the tremendous work you do for our students.  Each day you will find treats in the main office.  Plan for lunch with your colleagues on Thursday and Friday.  We have arranged coverage for your classes in the lunchroom.  On Thursday Doza Rizen is bringing lunch and on Friday, Chick-fil-a.  

The PTO is providing chair massages on Thursday and Friday.  Emily Banach (parent of Freddie, Bethany, & Lizzie) is a certified massage therapist and will be setting up a calm and relaxing area in the main office.  There will be a sign up sheet located in the main office workroom.  Please select a time and enjoy your massage on those days.
Faculty Meeting
Remember we will have a Faculty Meeting on Wednesday.  You will be receiving your end of the year check-list (I can't believe it is time!!).
Remember to send me your PTO project ideas by Monday, May 8th.  For obvious reason they won't be able to complete each and every one, but they would like to have some ideas to consider.  Don't forget the PTO meeting on Monday night at 6:30 p.m.  Our Musical/Theater Club is presenting Annie Jr. that night and I have to say, you are in for a treat.  
Get your Game Face On
Don't forget to sign up to play kickball on Friday.   I don't know about you, but I'm ready to show these 5th graders how its done.  :)