Saturday, October 29, 2016

The school will be running a short Spirit and Pride fundraiser on next week selling Pomaria-Garmany Elementary t-shirts and sweatshirts.  A packet for each student has been placed in your boxes.  Please send the packet home with students on Monday.  The packet and order forms are due back to the school by Friday.  We are hoping these will sell and make nice Christmas gifts for family members.  Please send all returned packets to Ms. Cindy.  The class with the most orders will have a pizza party for lunch.

The SCPASS and SCREADY student data reports will be placed in your boxes on Tuesday.  Please send them home with signed paper on Wednesday.

I'm excited to announce that we will have 2 authors at PGE on November 14th.  Tim Lowry will be presenting to our 3rd-5th graders and Michael Finklea will present to our PK-2nd graders that morning.  We will get the time for Michael Finklea posted on the School Master Calendar soon.

What a week?!?!  Celebrating Red Ribbon Week with dress up days, trunk or treat, club day, 2nd graders testing, and a fire drill in the mix.  We survived and I know our children truly had a good week.  I hope you all have enjoyed the team-building activities from the week.  The mystery is close to being solved and more information will come on Monday along with team awards from the week.  The food and snacks that you brought in on Friday were delicious and themed PERFECTLY!!!  The picture below made me giggle late Friday afternoon when it came by email.  One teams picture of an "amazing thing at PGE" was seeing the last bus pull out on Friday afternoon.  :)  Too funny!!  I hope you all have a great weekend.  I'm looking forward to the costumes on Monday!!!